HBASC is Helping Preparing Youth for Careers in the Building Industry


Addressing a national crisis at a local level

A nationwide shortage of skilled workers has hit the building industry — and the Four Corners area is no exception. Fortunately, a strong movement has developed across the United States towards expanding career and technical education in high schools. Locally, the HBASC is partnering with area high schools to provide hands-on training and trade certifications for youth.

How you can get involved:

1.   Donate time, money, or materials
2.   Volunteer to work with students

The Careers in Construction program at Durango and Bayfield high schools provides students the opportunity to receive hands on learning experiences. Participating high school shop teachers have been certified through the Home Builders Institute Pre-Ap­prentice Certification Training Program (HBI PACT) as PACT instructors. HBASC professionals work directly with students, providing skills, experience, and future employment opportunities.

Students that participate in the Careers in Construction program are eligible to test for certifications through the Home Builders Institute. The core certification includes safety and first aid, construction math, tools and construction materials, employability, and green building. Other certifications include standard trades including carpentry, plumbing, electrical, drafting, and many others.

student using chop saw

Program Sponsors

Founding Partners

Alpine Lumber  •  Veritas Fine Homes

Investment Partners

2180 Lighting & Design
Adams Overhead Door
Advanced Concrete Solutions
Agave Group
Aspen Design Studio
Blake Mechanical
Boise Cascade
Boss Mechanical

Buena Vista Builders
Builders First Source
Cal Steel & Sheet Metal
Durango Electrical Services
Durango Wood Company
Durango Signs/Yaseen design
Edgewood Construction
Element Window + Doors

Foam Insulation Specialists
Heather Mace Photography
Hotter Construction
Intermountain Wall Systems
Keller Williams SW Association
Kogan Builders
Larry Mongelli Construction
Lewis Merchantile

Mantell-Hecathorn Builders
National Housing Endowment
ReLove Consign and Design
Sachs Construction
Southwest Appliances
Studs Lumber
Tile & Light Art

Student and teacher working on tiny home.
teacher and students in shop class