According to award-winning home site The Spruce, “accent walls are alive and well in the decorating industry.”  That’s great news if you want to update a Durango or Pagosa Springs home—for a modest investment in materials, you can earn a big payback in drama.

If you’re feeling cautious, start with a can of paint.  If you don’t like the result, it’s a relatively simple matter to re-do it.  Choose a wall in a living area or bedroom and a color that contrasts subtly or boldly with your existing décor.  Local paint store staff may help you decide.

Be Bold

Since we’re talking about a small area in your home, why not experiment?  Here are some ideas to spark your imagination:

  • Punch up the paint: Instead of painting an entire wall one color, how about trying a stencil? If you don’t think you can manage a stencil, Bob Vila suggests using a patterned paint roller.  See these and other ingenious ideas on his website.
  • Go wild with wallpaper: The Spruce suggests considering one of the new removable wallpapers. Since they are manufactured to be temporary, you might go with an animal print or a bold floral design, knowing you can take it down when you’ve had enough.
  • Choose cork or chalk: In a kid’s bedroom or play room, a cork wall can double as a bulletin board. Or, use chalkboard paint and give your youngster a place to create in all seasons.
  • Play with plants: Nothing’s more “in” today than houseplants, so why not design a wall of greenery? Wall-mount planters abound on the internet, or you can create a vertical garden with a trellis or multiple shelves.

Spend a little time online and you’ll see there’s no shortage of ways to give one of your walls a wow factor.  From covering an entire wall with wooden crates to showcasing a favorite fabric, you’re sure to find something fun to try.

If you could use help, or if your idea is part of a larger project, contact one of the HBASC member design firms serving La Plata and Archuleta counties.  Find them in our directory here.

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