Ahhhh, spring in the Four Corners. It’s time to spruce up your deck or patio, clean off the barbecue, and remind that teen you know to apply for one of our scholarships!

The Homebuilders Association of Southwest Colorado proudly offers two scholarships for local youth interested in joining our industry.  It’s our way of supporting teens to launch careers in the trades, no matter whether they’re college-bound or not.  And the Southwest Colorado building industry benefits from an infusion of sorely needed young talent.  A real win-win.

Here are the two options:

Tool Up

This scholarship is for high school graduates who want to start building right away. With Careers in Construction (formerly Trades N Training) certificates from their high school programs in hand, plus a qualified job offer, young men and women can apply for cash to purchase a first set of tools.  Imagine being ready to start a career within days of receiving your high school diploma!


Building the Future

High school seniors who plan to attend college or a qualified trade school can apply for our Building the Future scholarship. Young people can be heading into any corner of the industry including architecture, construction, design, electrical work, plumbing, and many other areas.

Interested seniors should possess a good work ethic and a strong desire to learn.  They should have core competencies such as construction math experience, a good comfort level with tools, and knowledge of materials.  They should also demonstrate awareness of the importance of safety, the ability to meet deadlines, and other keys to becoming a successful professional.

If you know a young person who may be a good candidate for one of these programs, encourage them to talk with their high school shop teacher.  Seniors can apply through their school or reach out directly to us via email or by calling 970-382-0082.

Funding for these programs comes from HBASC events: our ever-popular Contractors Yard Sale, the wacky summer Golf Tournament, and, most notably the Parade of Homes held each September.

Everyone can help raise money to support teens in the trades and the industry too!  If you’re involved in building in Southwest Colorado, find out how you can be part of these events.  They are not just fun—though we know you will thoroughly enjoy participating—they offer great marketing opportunities for your firm as well.

If you don’t work in the industry but want to lend your support to builders and young professionals, mark your calendars and plan to enjoy:

  • Contractors Yard Sale, June 25, Durango High School
  • HBASC Golf Tournament: date August 17, Hillcrest Golf Club
  • Parade of Homes, September 22 – 25, various venues near Durango

We hope to see you at our events, and we hope to see your teen’s application for one of our scholarships.  Join us in working to advance the building industry in Southwest Colorado.

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